Opened the TV for visual inspection and found fuse blown off

Chinese tv kit repair

So first of all I have connected 60W bulb across the fuse terminal for fault finding.

china tv repair kit fix

The bulb lighten in its full intensity indicates shorting in the circuit.

So started troubleshooting

check main filter capacitor

So I have turned off the unit and decided to start troubleshooting by cold testing method i.e. without powering unit and by testing surrounding components one by one. First I have removed the main filter capacitor and tested found OK.

First culprit I have found is main switching Transistor C5386 meter showing transistor Base collector full short on diode test range.

how to fix and repair china kit

transistor shorted

Tested another surrounding components and Driver transistor also (most of time switching driver transistor also get Damage with main switching tr.) were found ok so further I have decided to replace the main transistor and check.

I have replaced the main transistor and turned on the TV this time Bulb lightened and immediately turned dim that is indication of now there is no shorting in power supply section hence I have applied video signal to AV port and now TV is back to the life.

c5386 transistor

tv repaired


This article was prepared for you by Yogesh Panchal who works as a Computer Hardware Engineer in Mumbai India.

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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:



Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is You can check out his repair blog at

28 comments on “60 Watt Bulb Were Used In Fault Finding

  1. Bruno says:

    Hi thanks for this article. If my main AC supply is 240 V cani use a 60 watt bulb or should i use a 100V bulb?

    1. Parasuraman says:

      Yes. Use a 240/250V rated Bulb. The draw of current is what matters here and not voltage,though it indeed is significant.

      1. kekchiew says:

        if i’m repairing a power supply with 240Vac input at 5A, how many watt bulb should i use?

    2. Muhammad Irfan says:

      Yes You can use 60w bulb in series

    3. Andrew F. Ali says:

      You should use a 220Vac 60W or 240Vac 60W household light bulb. A 120Vac household or the 100V bulb will blow out immediately.

    4. sandile says:

      hello sir I have a problem with my tv, the name of CRT tv is sansui, it is not turn on even if the fuse is ok , please help

    5. Mpasa paul says:

      I’ve properlly understood the method of using a bulb, thanks alot

  2. Robert Calk says:

    Good job, Yogesh.

  3. Parasuraman says:

    Very informative for new comers. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Andrew F. Ali says:

    Nice work, Yogesh

  5. Ricky says:

    Thank for sharing this,articles
    Good and well done.

    1. Sawmyinttun says:

      Nice sir.good job

  6. Suranga Electronics says:

    Good Job.


  7. HICHAM CHAMSI says:

    Hello Yogesh Panchal AND ALL

    thanks for the share, i use 220V 100W.

  8. Michael says:

    Nice article Yogesh,i used to blow a lot of fuses before i could get the smps fixed,now the bulb idea is a lifesaver..thanks again

  9. Huimberto says:

    Good repair. Thanks for sharing it.

  10. Abby karonga says:

    Helpful information for us beginners keep up the good work and keep posting

  11. Emmanuel says:

    Master Electronic Repairs/Sales
    Thanks, Good troubleshooting Technology

  12. Saumendra Nath Ray says:

    Helpful information. How can a Samsung 14″CRT of computer monitor be used as TV picture tube.

  13. Henry says:

    Nice one, you people are really boosting technician’s, please keep up the good work

  14. Michael Guardiana says:

    Thanks for the article you’d shared it helped me so much for getting idea or technique to learn for a newbie like mw. God bless!!!

  15. lakhyajit says:

    Can I use d2499transistor instead of d2498 please answer …

  16. Teddy Ayto says:

    The tv is on but the picture takes more time to be clear just 3-5 minute. Now the tv doesn’t turn on totally. What will be the problem sir?

  17. Gift Lloyd rajab says:

    Panasonic crt tv no power and I checked all parts it’s seems okay please help to solve this problem

  18. allan balaoro says:

    gud job sir,thanks a lot,,

  19. Wamunyima Biemba Patrick says:

    Crt tv Nikura 29 inch horizontal section details 110 drop

  20. Mulama Ernest says:

    Hello sir, I have a problem with crt tv repairing it when I connect the deflection horizontal wires it cuts power and a clicking sound is heard but when disconnected power is OK, please help, thanks

  21. Ronald says:

    Good job

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