A friend of mine brought me a vacuum cleaner for repair. It was not actually dead;   it was working but it has a loud noise when powered on. The lady explained that they had construction workers working internally in their home fixing walls and kitchen and they used the vacuum cleaner to suck all the dirt and dust out.

vacuum cleaner have noise repair

With what the lady said, in my mind I thought she has destroyed the engine but on the other hand I was hoping it was just a dirty filter inside that machine.

I powered the device inside my shop and it was really loud but at the same time I saw some dust flying out of the machine which gave me hope.

dirty filter in vacuum cleaner create noise

I took the machine apart and headed directly to the filter and look what I found? A dirty filthy filter that was putting a lot of pressure on the motor was the cause of this loud and noisy sound.

I got my air blower out and give it a nice blow. It took me a while to get the dirt and dust out of the machine, inside out. Sorry I could not take any photos due to the fact my hand were all dusty and dirty from cleaning that machine; I did not want to mess up my camera with dust and dirt.

I cleaned the circuit board inside and made sure all the soldering joint were ok.

dirty filter in vacuum cleaner create noise fix

If you look at my gloves, they were turning white but I am so happy that I got it cleaned.

I powered on the device making sure the hose on this machine nice and clean inside out, it was restored to its original status up and running with smooth sound the way the manufactured intended.

Mission accomplished



This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:




Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is http://www.NoahtechElectronicsTraining.com. You can check out his repair blog at http://www.JestineYong.com

4 comments on “A Simple Fix To A Loud Motor Sound In A Vacuum Cleaner

  1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

    A cleaning job that again proves that dirt and moisture are the enemy of any electronic device. In my days when I was still working at Maxwell as a repair-engineer, one day a customer phoned me if he still could claim his warranty on his Vacuum Cleaner after he had tried to suck up water by mistake or on purpose (I am not sure, but he no doubt was a fool after taking such risks). Of course it killed his not for water designed Vacuum Cleaner and I had to tell him that he likely had to pay for the damage done if he wanted it repaired.

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Albert: we face a lot of things like this every day and the customer will try his best to get out whatever he can from the warranty polices even the cause of damage was the customer and alot of them do not even bother to read the instruction manual to avoid such mistakes. sad by true. have a blessed day my friend

  2. AR Balasubramaniam says:

    Useful Tips

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      AR: glad you like it. have a blessed day

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