My wife’s cousin brought me an Iphone 7plus for repair. The main issue was the screen. The touch features was ok but the screen was cracked and needed a replacement.

how to repair iphone 7 plus

Iphone screen are very easy to replace if you know what you are doing.

There are a lot of details to keep in mind and screws to organize. Also a special kind of screw drivers needed to complete the job. Let us get started.

how to repair iphone 7 plus screen replacement

These are pentalobe screws and you need pentalobe screw driver to take these off to get inside the phone. And if you noticed the dirt on the left side of the photo; that is the speaker holes and they have to be cleaned as well.

The Iphone 7plus is different than the previous models; it opens like a note book.

how to repair iphone 7 plus screen replacement fix

Gently lift up the screen and then open it like a note book from left to right keeping in mind the flex cables still holding the screen.

fixing iphone 7plus

Here you need a tripoint screw driver (Y000) to take these screws out. Once you did that, you move on to the other metal plate that covering the proximity sensor, speaker and camera flex cables.

Make sure to disconnect the battery first.

how to fix iphone 7 plus

It is very important to organize the screws because they are different in lengths. Here is a good way that I use to organize my screws.

how to fix and repair iphone 7 plus

This way, I know for sure which screw goes where because if long screws get mixed up with the short screws when screwing back, you could cause damage to the Iphone logic board. So be careful.

how to fix and repair iphone 7 plus screen replacement

Here is the new screen and the old one. The new one comes with many parts missing so you need to take the parts from the old screen and transfer them to the new screen. For example: the silver plate, the home key and the proximity, camera, speaker flex cable. Caution here is advised because flex cables can be damaged very easily.

Once the new screen has all the parts, connect the all the flex cables but keep the battery flex cable to last.


All the parts transferred to the new screen and are ready to be installed back on the phone.

fixing iphone 7 plus

It is a very good idea to test the phone because snapping the screen back on the phone because that will save you time. Once everything was tested I put everything back, I call the customer to come and pick up the phone. It is a very easy process and it takes about 10-25 minutes. If you are doing it for the first time, it might take you longer time but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to do it in shorter time even. My motto is “take your time and do a good job”

Mission accomplished.



This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:



Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is You can check out his repair blog at

7 comments on “Iphone 7 Plus Screen Replacement

  1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

    When you do it it seems so easy. And you always seem to have the right tools for the job which is a good thing! The screw mat you used is probably not the magnetic type of screw mat they also sell for these kind of repairs.

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Albert: it is easy if you do it many gets easier every time. yes I have all the tools needed for iphone repair and maintenance. and I also have the magnetic mat but I do not use them that often. have a blessed day

  2. Parasuraman Subramanian says:

    I full agree with Albert Van Bemmelen! You seem to have the right tools and handle job so professionally, and share your experience too! Many thanks! These are very minute and intricate jobs! Beyond me!

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Parasuraman: you are most welcome. having the right tools will help you a lot with the repair and by doing many times you bring experience and confidence to do such jobs. have a blessed day

  3. Khanyisa says:

    I also need list of tools to fix cellphone

  4. Miguel Tapia says:

    Where do I get parts,schematics,and other technical support to repair these modern TV’s and all other equipment mentioned here.

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