I bought this battery powered car for my son when he was four years old. He had so much fun with it but as he grew up in age and actually getting taller by the minute, he no longer uses that car. It does not fit him anymore.

toy car repair

My son decided to donate this car to anybody interested in getting such a car.

My 3 years old nephew came to our house and saw the car and wanted it so we decided to give it to him but there was a problem with it. Since this car was not used for almost a year, I had to charge it and once it was charged and ready to go, it was driving on its own. When I put it in forward or backwards settings and without pressing the paddle, it goes on its own.

how to repair toy car

I took the seat off and I exposed the inside computer system there, it was clean and as you can see, the battery voltage was steady.

how to fix toy car

When I checked the paddle of the car, it was a little bit dirty so I did some cleaning and lubrication but it did not fix the problem.

toy car fix

This is the forward and back up setting of the car.

You can either go forward or backward and if it was set to the middle, it can be controlled by a remote control.

toy car fix and repair

There was a three position switch beneath that plastic and it was hard to get to. I sprayed the switch with a lubrication spray and noticed that the control on the car was getting better but it did not get to a complete control so I decided to replace the switch with a better one.

on off switch in toy car

It was not an easy task replacing the old switch with the new one due to the size and the way it was attached to the car but I managed to screw it back on.

remote control for toy car

I first tested it with a remote control and worked fine then I let my son take the car for a spin and it was working fine too.

how to repair toy cars

It was not comfy sitting in a small car but he managed to drive it. I saw a sad look on my son’s face because he loved that car but it was time to move on.

Mission accomplished.


This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:




Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is http://www.NoahtechElectronicsTraining.com. You can check out his repair blog at http://www.JestineYong.com

6 comments on “My Son’s Car Repaired and Maintained

  1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

    In a couple of years your son will be able to drive a real car too, so he shouldn’t worry!
    It is the same with my brother who loves driving cars, and his son does now too.
    And in a couple of years his two daughters are old enough to take drivers lessons too. It will no doubt become expensive!

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Albert: My son is only 8 years old but after the car was given away (his cousin) he was Ok with it. He always like to sit in my car and acting like he is was driving but off course the key is not in the ignition and it has a four digit combination code to start the car. all is well. have a blessed day

  2. Parasuraman S says:

    What else a thrill one can get, when one gets the chance to do a good deed to own family! I love to do such jobs for my grand children, who always turn to me for any problems in their toys! The confidence in us and the joy they show are genuine and that charge and boost us to inexplicable heights!

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Parasuraman: totally agree my friend. the joy to see that smile on their faces being restored is beyond any imaginations. have a blessed day

  3. Som Shankar Kalihari says:

    Dear Sir,
    Your electronic hobby is great, therefore your all article is very knowledgeable and interested.Please you give me basic idea for testing and measuring of components of different modern tools.
    Best regards
    Som Shankar Kalihari

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Som: this is not my hobby, this is what I do for living. I am glad you like the articles and you are learning from them. it would be very hard to give you basic testing of components because they are many of them out there but I would suggest the book by MR Jestine Yong who wrote an excellent book about testing components i would recommend that for you. have a blessed ay

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