A dry clean store manager brought me a bench scale that weight up to 60 kilos. As he explained the problem and powered up the device. I could see this message on the screen.

bench scale repair

I have never worked on devices like this before.

I explained that to the customer and he asked me to check it out and see what I can do with it.

how to repair bench scale

This is the specs information found in the back of the device. As I took the screws off and exposed the inside board looking for something obvious but sad to say there was nothing wrong there.

how to fix bench scale

That is the frond side of the device and there was nothing wrong with it.

how to fix and repair bench scale

This is the back side of it and I could not find anything wrong here either.

bench scale fix

This is the socket with all these colored wires that goes down to the scale sensor plate. I was hoping to find something loose or broken but there was not.

There was a cable connected to the actual scale plate that comes out of this socket and goes to the other side of the device. I wiggled that and to my surprise the error message was gone. As I moved the scale again, the error message came back. My focus was shifted to the actual cable that connected between the logic board and the sensor plate and these was my next step.

repair bench scale

As I pull the cable that has all these wires in, I came across this. It was not completely broken. The green wire was the main issue and it was connected to only on a thread of the wire. I cut the cable open and attached fixed the cable. To my surprise, it fixed the problem but the moment I shake that wire, the problem happens again.

electronics scale repair

I traced the cable down to the sensor plate to see if I have a loose wire there but to I could not find anything. I unscrewed these hex screws off to expose the inside sensor and the cable.

electronics scale fix

This is the scale sensor and the cable attached to it. It was full of dead insects and cockroaches but the photo you see was taken after the cleaner with air blower. It was disgusting.

Since these were in good order, I closed the lid and focused more on the top side of the cable.

how to joint cable

As I checked the cable again for loose connections starting from the top like I should have done earlier; I found a loose connection with the black wire.

how to joint cable wire

I soldered that as well and the turned the scale on again, the error message was gone even after I shocked the cable very hard.

fixing electronics scale

I looked at the soldered wire and I thought to myself that does not look good. It is about the repair and since it was for a dry clean store, it had to look good too. With that in mind, I cut the ugly part of the wire off and then soldered it to the socket on the device that connects to the logic board.

repairing electronics scale

So the repair was successful and at the same time, looked good. As I gave the scale back to the customer and saw the pleased look on his face, I can say with contend: Mission accomplished.


This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:



Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is http://www.NoahtechElectronicsTraining.com. You can check out his repair blog at http://www.JestineYong.com

7 comments on “A Bench Scale With Error Message Repaired. Model: Jadever JS-60

  1. Parasuraman says:

    Well done! Problems like these are nerve driving sometimes!

  2. albert van bemmelen says:

    Well done! I didn’t know that they also made scales that only weigh up to 60 Kilogram.

  3. Robert Calk Jr. says:

    Thanks Waleed. Good job.

  4. R MURALI says:

    Thanks for Sharing.

  5. Prasanna says:

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge

  6. Gary Gemmell says:

    Let us see the “disgusting” pictures – we dont see this much in Western europe (Scotland is toooo cold for insects lol) as we dont have the insects you do in the middle east!

    Be interesting to see how they can cause shorts and damage systems as I have never seen it in my entire repairing career except on PC’s.

    Good fix though interesting repair Waleed!

  7. Laura says:

    I have this bench scale but I don´t have the instructions sheet. Could somebody send me that documentation?

    Thank you very much
    Best regards

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