A restaurant owner who lives close by my shop brought this laptop for repair. He explained that the main problem was the output audio jack. The sound keeps disconnecting when he connects it to an active external speakers.

laptop repair

I love Lenovo computers, there are not complicated and they are very easy to take apart.

how to take out laptop cover

I connected it to external active speakers in my shop for testing and I could not hear any sound coming out until I pressed inward the output audio jack.

It was clear to me that that female jack inside the laptop was either loose or broken.

laptop audio jack repair

To get to the female audio jack inside I had to take the laptop apart and as I said, it was easy.

laptop audio jack fix

All the screws holding the keyboard and the other parts of the laptop were off and the inside of the laptop started to show up.

laptop fan dirty

In the process of taking the laptop apart, I came across this issue. The fan was dirty and it had to be cleaned and lubricated.

Once this was done, I processed with dismantling of the laptop.

laptop how to repair

Finally, I got to the main issue of the fault. The audio female jack was broken.

I had to improvise since I do not have this kind of part in my shop. I talked to customer and informed him, that I will do a temporary but solid fix to the problem. The reason I did that because of the customer urgent need for this laptop. I checked every hardware store around and I could not find the same part and because it was Friday, half of the hardware shops were already closed.

The crack on the audio jack was not that bad. I applied carefully a little bit of heat and joined the two broken pieces together. Once it was done, I added a layer of super glue on the top where the crack was. To finish off the repair, I mixed two materials together to form some kind of epoxy and I applied it to the top of it.

epoxy in laptop

A very strong epoxy was formed here and when applying it to the broken female audio plug, it was fixed and it was strong.

laptop repair secret

As you can see, this was the final result. As I put the laptop back together and connected it to an active speaker system, it played without disconnecting.

I informed the customer to try it out and at the mean time, I will order the part and install it later one. As I was informed by the customer, the repaired part is still holding and the customers of that restaurant are enjoying the food and the good music that is coming out of this laptop.

Mission accomplished.


This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.


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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:




Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is http://www.NoahtechElectronicsTraining.com. You can check out his repair blog at http://www.JestineYong.com

6 comments on “Audio Jack On A Laptop Repaired. Model: Lenovo G50-70

  1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

    A repair that was urgent and fixed by smart solving the issue. The only question I have would be what two materials you exactly mixed together to form some kind of epoxy, and where you did order it?

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Albert: sorry but I do not have a clue what two materials mixed together but i know it is tough when mixed together. sorry I threw the box away but If find out i will let you know. I bought this from a local shop in my area.

  2. Jim Kovacs says:

    Hello from Venezuela !
    There is a great trick to make a super-strong cement when you mix Baking Soda with SuperGlue. I have used it for countless reconstructions of plastic parts, it is stronger than ceramic and you can build it up in layers ! You can see tips on YouTube (Super Glue and Baking Soda). Great job and shalom to you !!!

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Jim: thanks for the info. I will check out the youtube for that.
      oh by the way, Shalom is for Jews, i am a Palestinian Christian living in Behthlehem speaking English and Arabic. have a blessed day

  3. ThandoSebeneleMavimbela says:

    Thank so a lot my professor for the knowledge and l now l am electronic repair because of you. God bless

  4. Yogesh Panchal says:

    Thanks waleed,

    For sharing the article,Super Glue and Baking Soda also works great just need little practice.I am using this trick for making laptop screw insert broken plastic base repair you can use simple “Raw Cotton” also instead of Baking Soda.

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